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kontan ou jwenn nou...

The Potter’s House Church Rose Hill exists as a local congregation to witness to the world of God’s love as revealed in His Son Jesus Christ, our crucified, risen, exalted and soon returning King. We seek to teach the Word of God in the power of the Holy Spirit, in order to fulfil the great commission in Mark 16:15 to “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every person". Since, we have seen the power of God to save many people from different backgrounds and today we are a thriving Church and living testimonies of what Christ Jesus can do with surrendered hearts. We look forward to seeing you at one of our dynamic services.

Legliz Potye a Rose Hill exziste en tant un kongregasyon lokal pou temwen dans lemond lamour Bondye revele dan so Gason Jezikri, nou le roi, kricifie, ressiscite egzalte ek byento retour leroi. Nou rod anseye Paròl Bondye dans le pouvwa Sentespri afin acomplir gran mission Mark 16:15 pou "Ale dan lemond et preche Levanjil ek chak dimoun". Depi noun trouve pouvwa Bondye ki in souve bocoup dimoun ki soti nan diferan passe ak zordi nou un Legliz prosèperer ek temwayaj vivant ki Kris Jezi kapav fer ek un leker abandoner. Nou get de lavan pou ki nou retrouve ou dan nou sèvis dinamik.


50 ANS. 119 PEYI . 3400 LEGLIZ

Arise and go down to the potter’s house, and there I will cause you to hear My words.

leve et al dan la Maison Potye et mo pou fer toi tend mo parol
— Jeremiah 18:2



Listen to the incredible story of how Jesus changed Ryans Life.


Food . Fun . Fellowship

Manze. Plezir . Confrérie

The early church described in the book of Acts went from house to house, they were of one spirit, one mind and in one accord and the bible says that God added to the Church daily those who were getting saved. There was an atmosphere of love around the Word of God, as serving and hospitality created a dynamic that knitted together the hearts and lives of the early believers. We seek to grow in the same love and hospitality towards one another. Come join us for fellowship, we’d love to get to know you... 

Premye Legliz dekrir dan live act ti ale dan la case an la case, zot ti dan un sèl lespri, un sèl pensé ek un sèl akor ek la bible dir ki Bondye in ajoute dan Legliz chak jour dimoun ki ti pes ete sover. Ti ena un atmosfer lamour dan parol bondye pandan servise ek ospitalite qui kreye un dinamik ki ti rejoin leker ansam ek vive ban kwayan. Nou rode grandi dan mem lamour ek ospitalite enver lot. Vini vin jwenn nou dan nou confrérie, nous pou konten fer ou konesans...


"Prayer is the key of the morning and the bolt of the evening" 

  • "Lapriyer se la kle du matin ek ak boulon pendant la nuit"

God said through the prophet Isaiah and again reiterated it in Matthew's account that "My house shall be a house of prayer'. We believe in the power of prayer, being a spiritual place were heaven and earth meet, where God and man meet, a place where we can bring our needs before our loving Father, believing in faith that He will answer our prayers according to His will. Come and join us... 

Bondye ti dir atraver pwofet Isaïe ek li ti repete li ankor dan récit Matthieu ki "mo lacase pou un lacase de priyere". Nou krwar dan pouvwa lapriyere, etre dan un place espiritye kot syel la ak later join, kote Bondye ek zom rankontre, un place kote nou kav amene nou ban bezwen devan nou bien heureux papa, krwar dan lafwa ki li pou reponn nou la priyere selon li. Vin join nou... 

Prayer Times:

 Weekly Prayer Meetings Sunday 4pm before service, Wednesday 6pm before service

Session Priyere

 Reunions Lapriyè chak semaine Dimanch 4pm anvan servis, Merkredi 6pm anvan servis